Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Tale of Two Weddings

Back in July we flew out to Colorado for my sister in laws wedding.  It was so beautiful and so much fun.  However, after looking at the pictures of myself I wanted to hide in a closet.  In fact we had to DIG to find an actual picture of me because I hid from the camera all night.  Such a shame because it was the first time I had my whole family together all dressed up and I didn't get one picture of the four of us together. 

Last night we had another wedding to attend and I felt like I had to redeem myself so I bravely put on that same dress.  I was pleasantly surprised when I looked in the mirror so I had to do a comparison photo. 

The hard work is paying off.  The counting calories, 5 days in the gym....all worth it so far.  I'm still a work in progress, but I'm confident now that I can do it.